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Vacro - Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders

Our work is underpinned by the following statements. VISION STATEMENT To be recognised as a leader in creating pathways out of the justice system, for our clients and their families. MISSION STATEMENT VACRO works across the criminal justice system to create a safe and fair community, to respect and support individual and family dignity, and to make a positive contribution to reducing the harm done by crime. We achieve this, as leaders and in partnership, through the development and delivery of programs that empower people impacted by the criminal justice system, supported by research, education, and advocacy. OUR VALUES We show integrity in our relationship with each other, our clients and the broader community. We display respect by supporting our clients to achieve positive outcomes and lead meaningful lives. We work towards inclusion for all stakeholders in the development of our programs. We are adaptable to the conditions and opportunities that arise in our daily work.