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Join Our Events Squad - Various and regional locations - #189342

Digital Literacy Foundation

Digital Literacy Foundation brings small events/workshops to remote communities to improve digital literacy and social inclusion.

Our events squad brings their tech knowledge for seniors who wouldn’t otherwise be able to get online. We assist with any questions they may have and any issues that may arise.

We get it. Teaching people how to use technology can seem daunting, but you aren’t expected to know everything. In fact, the best skills you can have are the ability to admit that you don’t know everything, and to be able to learn on the go…

You won’t be left to fend for yourself at our events/workshops – every single one will have one or more DLF staff members there to help. You’ll always have a consistent person (or set of people) there to support you.

Now, onto the nitty gritty:

• All of our volunteers receive free training • We give you a run sheet of workshops beforehand • Volunteers are required to have a National Police Check, and • A Covid Vaccination Certificate

So, what does an event or workshop actually entail? Good question! These are definitely not those huge workshops when you’re on your feet all day.

These workshops will be at Community Hubs in the St Albans, Colo Heights, Wilberforce and Bilpin communities.

There’s no waiting to see your impact – it’s obvious from the outset. What we do is really an uplifting and amazing experience.

These workshops run from 11am - 1pm and if you can’t be there right on time, that’s okay. We understand that sometimes life happens, traffic is bad, and things come up. We don’t expect you to be superhuman.

But we would like you to join us!

We'll be starting at the beginning of February. Workshops will run once a fortnight. Bowen Mountain on Monday, Wilberforce on Wednesday, Colo Heights on Thursday, and St Albans on Friday. Workshops run from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm and will have a DLF staff member there. You aren't expected to attend every single fortnight (although if you can, that would be great!). Let us know your availability and we'll work with you.


  1. Online training on a day and time to suit your schedule
  2. Ongoing mentoring and support from our volunteer team
  3. See your hard work pay off from the very beginning
  4. DLF staff support at events and workshops