Ronald McDonald House Charities ACT Gala Ball 2025

The annual Ronald McDonald House Charities ACT & South East NSW Lexus of Canberra Gala Ball will be held on Saturday 29th March 2025. Held at the National Convention Centre the Gala ball is our biggest fundraiser of the year and raises much needed funds to support the Programs run by Ronald McDonald House Charities ACT & South East NSW. A great one-off volunteering opportunity for individuals, organisational groups or friends! Help us make our Gala Ball a success in 2025!
Multiple roles are available:
Table Hosts/Live Auction spotters Table hosts work in pairs or groups of three. Your role is to host the guests on selected tables and support them throughout the night. You are there to answer questions, sell raffle tickets, collect pledge donations, and directing assistance to NCC staff were required. Table Hosts will also assist with the live auction, directing the attention of the auctioneer to bidders on your tables to ensure their bids are noticed and registered. Volunteers for this role need to be comfortable approaching and engaging guests and drawing attention to bidders. A moderate to high level of spoken English is required.
Silent Auction Team The silent auction team will assists with the silent auction item display tables located in the foyer. Your job will be to answer any questions regarding the silent auction items, facilitating payment and collection of items at the end of the night.
Roaming Team The roaming team will begin in the main foyer and welcome guests when they arrive, sell raffle tickets, and provide table and seating details. During the event you will run payments to the cash room, help with the silent auction item collection at the end of the evening and support other roles as required.
Champagne Bar Volunteers (RSA required) The champagne bar is a key fundraiser for the evening and is the only place guests can purchase champagne. You will be serving guests champagne, taking payment, and handing out raffle tickets. You must hold a current RSA to work on the champagne bar, a copy of your RSA will need to be provided to RMHC prior to the night.
Further information regarding roles will be sent to all volunteers after registration.