Volunteer Coordinator
This role assists in contributing to the success of the Bindaring Sale day by creating an engaged volunteer taskforce, offering flexible and adaptable hours that can be customised to suit the coordinators schedule. You would be responsible for:·
Communicating with volunteers for sorting days, donation days and for the set-up, sale day (125 volunteers) and pack up of the event.
Managing rosters for set up day, donation days, pack up day and sale day, including registering volunteers on each of these days.
Liaising with local universities for service opportunities and coordinate students onsite and identify supervisors.
Develop and seek/facilitate new collaborations with other organisations to foster new volunteer groups.
Recruit new volunteers via various platforms e.g., social media, local advertising through clubs etc.
Liaise with Volunteering W.A. for Corporate volunteer opportunities.
Communicate with new volunteers, provide an induction, and matching to a buddy for orientation. Follow up new volunteers and seek feedback to ensure volunteer satisfaction.