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Aged Care Visitor with Auslan interpreter in Palmyra - LGBTIQ+ peer

GRAI - GLBT Rights in Ageing Inc

Logo for GRAI - GLBT Rights in Ageing Inc

Our program provides companionship for older LGBTI people by matching them with an LGBTIQ+ volunteer visitor.

The Volunteer visitor aims to improve quality of life for the aged care residential or home care recipients by: • general feeling of wellbeing with maintained or increased independence • increased self-esteem and sense of purpose • a sense of connectedness to the care recipient’s individual community, culture and identity • reduced feelings of loneliness and isolation; and • reduced feelings of depression and anxiety. This time may be spent together in a variety of ways, dependent on the care recipients’ interest and capacity, such as to sit and chat, work on a hobby together, discuss the news, read a book or listen to music together. If the care recipient is able, they might take a walk or go on an outing together. The volunteer needs to bring their friendly , caring and compassionate self, a willingness to listen and an interest in connecting with an older LGBTI person.