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How to keep giving when costs keep rising

How to keep giving when costs keep rising

The cost-of-living crisis has touched the lives of practically every single Australian, albeit to different extents. From picking up extra shifts at work or holding off on that next holiday, a lot of us are making lifestyle changes to cope with the rising cost of living.

These pressures can make it harder to volunteer. Paying for fuel to get to a volunteering site, taking time away from paid work, or simply buying coffees while you’re at your volunteering gig - it all adds up.

While it might be tempting to take a break from volunteering when times are tough, it’s worth thinking about all the positives that volunteering can bring to your life. Perhaps it’s helping you strike a better work-life balance, providing you with a sense of satisfaction and gratitude, or helping take your mind off some of the daily stresses.

Soak up all the benefits of volunteering and try some of these ideas:

  • Work volunteering into your daily exercise routine. Is there a way you can fit volunteering into your daily routine? Volunteer dog walking could be a great fit if you love to go on long daily walks.

  • Reduce your stress by getting crafty. Do you have a crafty skill like drawing or knitting? Use your skills and give your mind a rest from the daily stressors by trying an arts and culture volunteer opportunity.

  • Bring some joy to others. Look for a penpal program or a companionship opportunity that can be done over the phone or in person. For those people that are socially isolated, you could make a real difference.

  • Build skills for your next job. To help volunteering fit into your life better, look for an opportunity that can potentially help you with your career as well. Perhaps there’s a new skill you’ve been meaning to learn, or an industry you’d like to understand more. Skilled volunteering is a great way to build new skills.