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Travel Radar APAC

Logo for Travel Radar APAC

Travel Radar is a digital media outlet powered completely by voluntary work - this experience gives opportunities to those looking to start their career in the media sector, learn new corporate skills such as HR and IT, or swap careers into the world of media. Our beneficiaries are composed of two groups: - The General Public - We work to provide free, high quality media and content to our worldwide followers and audience within the aviation and travel sectors. We offer an edge on traditional journalism and believe in a social responsible form of reporting - Our Staff - We work with a 95% volunteer team, composed largely of graduates, who want to get their foot in the door of media and journalism. Our dedicated team of mentors and directors work with these volunteers and 5% paid freelancers, to upskill, build their experience and help craft a perfect CV for their future career in the field of media. And during their time with us, they help benefit communities worldwide with free journalism and build a personal portfolio of work. Our impact has great results. 100% of our former volunteers have gone on to advance in the aviation or media fields including writing for airlines, airports and larger scale publications. This leaves a lasting impact on all our former volunteers.