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Management Committee Member Volunteer

Lifestyle Connections Association Inc

As a member of the Management Committee the following responsibilities are shared with all Committee members:

  • Upholding the vision, values and objectives of the Service
  • Ensuring the Service is incorporated, keeps proper records, and complies with relevant Legislation and the Constitution
  • Ensuring that all finances are properly managed, that records are audited annually and that accountability requirements of the funding body are fulfilled
  • Developing and reviewing the Strategic and Operational Plan on a regular basis
  • Develop and review Policies and Procedures
  • Ensure compliance with all legal obligations, being fully aware of the Constitution, and the Policies of Lifestyle Connections Association Inc.
  • Govern the Service by ensuring Staff are provided with support, direction and supervision, and ensure administration processes are in place
  • Appoint Sub-Committees whose recommendations must go to the Management Committee for final decision
  • Ensure the Management Committee meets at least once every calendar month, except in December, and such meetings are conducted in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act 1981. The day of the week and week of the month will be decided at the Annual General Meeting on the election of the new Management Committee. The designated day can be changed at the discretion of the Management Committee.
  • Ensure leases are renewed
  • Ensure that the Manager advises the general membership of the names of the Office Bearers and members of the Management Committee after each Annual General Meeting
  • Ensure that the general membership is advised of the names of the Grievance Committee immediately after being appointed and that the telephone numbers of each Grievance Committee member is displayed in the office foyer
  • Set priorities for access to the Service, and withdrawal of Service
  • Meet annually to confirm and/or negotiate the associated roles and responsibilities of individual Office Bearers and members of the Management Committee

Further details will be available on application