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Marketing, Promotions & Fundraising Volunteer

Bridges & Pathways Institute Inc. - Southern Region

Logo for Bridges & Pathways Institute Inc. - Southern Region

Would you like to demonstrate your skills in:

  • social media
  • fundraising
  • marketing plans
  • mapping possibilities
  • developing promotional materials
  • crowd funding
  • and recruiting patients etc?

If you said yes, Bridges & Pathways needs you!

As an innovative charity, they are seeking volunteers to tell their story and the need to service funding gaps for Australians living with Fibromyalgia and ME/ CFS.

Commitments can be short or long-term.

Sounds interesting?

Read on...

New tests and treatments are available, however there is a process to validate them and fast track service delivery and research so people can receive early intervention and affordable daily care.

Bridges & Pathways need your help in marketing and promoting new services and opportunities to prevent unnecessary disability and stigma associated with poorly understood medical conditions.

Express your interest now and become part of this well needed and valuable organisation!