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Northern Rivers Community Gateway

Logo for Northern Rivers Community Gateway

Volunteering Northern Rivers (VNR) is a volunteer referral service offered through the Northern Rivers Community Gateway. VNR is the essential link between the many community organisations and individuals searching for an opportunity to contribute their skills and expertise for the benefit of others and/or their own self-improvement. We advertise and match potential volunteers to suitable positions in various community organisations in the region. Other services situated at the Northern Rivers Community Gateway include free Accommodation Brokerage, Financial Counselling and NILS, Community Visitors Scheme, Tax Help, Public Access Internet and computer use - just to name a few. MissionStatement: Volunteering Northern Rivers is committed to maintaining a role of provider, referrer and advocate for the community by: 1. Maintaining highly motivated and skilled personnel who aim for excellence. 2. Providing quality leadership to expand and strengthen community networks through establishing, assisting and managing services that exceed community expectations 3. Creating a dynamic professional environment, which fosters growth, integrity and respect, facilitating co-operation and team work.

6 volunteer opportunities found

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