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Adjunct Childcare Volunteer

Perinatal Wellbeing Centre

Logo for Perinatal Wellbeing Centre

Perinatal Wellbeing Centre offers free adjunct childcare for our day support group sessions and we rely on volunteers to assist our childcare staff in caring for the babies and toddlers of our clients – this involves helping to feed and settle babies, playing with the children and setting up and packing up afterwards. A Working with Vulnerable People Card is required.

Our childcare operates on weekday mornings (Tuesday to Friday) for about 2.5 hours from 9.45am, for 8 weeks during normal school terms. We are looking to fill our emergency roster for volunteers who can be called on for one-off occasions if someone is unwell or away and we are also looking for a regular for Monday for the next 6 weeks.

If you're interested in volunteering for us, please contact Kate at Perinatal Wellbeing Centre.