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Speed Careers - inspire young minds! - Bannockburn VIC


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Speed Careers is an opportunity for adult volunteers to share their career journey or study pathways and increase students’ awareness and understanding of the range of study and career pathways available to them.

Everyone’s journey to a career is different and we would love to hear from you. We're specifically seeking women in STEM careers, background in law or construction, individuals from diverse backgrounds, or locals living in the area to bring a rich variety of experiences to our program and to share with the students to broaden their horizons for their future careers!

What’s involved?

This opportunity involves volunteering for 3-5 hours at one of our events.

You will speak in 15-minute information sessions about your career pathway with an opportunity for students to ask questions. Students will be rotating in groups.

We are in need of volunteers to support a Speed Careers event with our Secondary School in Bannockburn on Monday 24 June 9am - 11am

You can see the upcoming events here: We look forward to hearing from you!