Mingary Care

Mingary Care is a not-for-profit charity established in 2008 to provide palliative care for people dying on the Sunshine Coast and compassionate support for their carers, partners, families and friends. Our model of care provides palliative care services and supports delivered in community settings, all free of charge. Mingary Care aims to fill gaps in services and supports-there is significant unmet need in palliative care. The sector is significantly underfunded, and the health system relies heavily on carers and families to carry the burden of care. The Mingary Care model is a Palliative Care Crisis Funding model where our point of difference is to fill gaps in a responsive and timely manner. The support is short term and does not replicate existing funding models. Our support aims to reduce carer burden, alleviate stress and improve the end-of-life journey for the care recipient and their loved ones.