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Communities at Work

Logo for Communities at Work

Communities at Work provides a broad suite of quality community programs of social value and practical benefit. Our vision is for a resilient and socially inclusive community that cares for the well-being of all. Established and developed in Canberra, we are a local organisation that understands local needs. Our innovative and progressive culture seeks to respond to changing community needs in a thoughtful and constructive manner. We deliver services to more than 20,000 people annually, including children's and seniors' services, disability and mental health services, social programs and other special programs. We contribute positively to the health and vitality of our community by: •providing a safe, stimulating environment for the nurture and education of young people •helping vulnerable and at-risk youth overcome challenges and realise their full potential •providing support to families and individuals experiencing difficulties or hardship •assisting the frail aged and people with disabilities to lead independent and fruitful lives •enhancing the social inclusion of people disconnected from the community •managing community facilities and providing a range of recreational and social activities •offering nationally accredited training and professional learning for children’s services staff •providing a diverse range of rewarding employment and volunteering opportunities. Communities at Work is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. We have a paid workforce in excess of 600 staff, engage 150 self-employed family day care educators and harness the passionate commitment of around 150 active volunteers. While some services are provided on a fee-for-service basis or funded through contracts with government, we also deliver a range of charitable programs which rely on strong community support through philanthropic grants, donations and sponsorships. We are a public benevolent institution endorsed to receive tax deductible donations and invite others to support our efforts to make a difference to the social fabric of our community. We value productive partnerships with other organisations and individuals to undertake community projects, strengthen connections between people and ensure a sustainable future. Communities at Work encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people from culturally diverse backgrounds to apply.

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